
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

change of heart

for a couple of blogs there has been attacks of too much vitriol in my system i don't know how and i don't exactly know why... but it has been a habit... that, i want to end.. that its why... i'm chaging my plot.. no more post thats a product of vitriol... goodbye blues... hello sunshine...
opps sounds a bit crazy... am i supposed to blog longer... crap my brain is rushing again... but the main thought is stop being so damn emo kid.. not that i'm saying its a crime to be an emo... but.. just want to get over things... its not healthy for me.. so... from now on posting due to vitriol is a major no no for me.. life is great... explore, live life, have fun... roam around etc.. etc.. etc... is the major goal.. and.. be an architect too.. A LICENSED ONE... heheh gosh... I want to grab that professional ID....

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